head shot of Jon Parrish Peede

Jon Parrish Peede named Ashland University’s 31st president

Published on March 27, 2024
Ashland University

亚什兰, 俄亥俄州 – Jon Parrish Peede (pronounced PEE-dee), former chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, 被选为足彩外围和阿什兰神学院的下一任校长. 非盟董事会在经过包括董事会成员在内的总统遴选委员会的全面遴选后,一致通过了对皮德的任命, 校友, 教师, staff and a student representative. Peede will begin his role as president on June 1, 2024.

在高等教育和联邦机构担任领导职务超过25年, Peede brings a diverse set of experiences to Ashland. He has been a 教师 member, fundraiser, public speaker, fiscally sound manager and strategic communicator. 他是一位公认的共识建立者和深思熟虑的领导者,他与各种利益相关者建立了关系,以实现共同目标.

Peede还保持着与亚什兰愿景一致的价值体系. In addition to being a champion for the liberal arts, 他清楚地掌握了大学研究生和专业课程的价值. He believes that improved access to education, civil discourse and intellectual diversity of thought on campus, 学生的体验式学习机会和共同治理都是优秀院校的标志.

“Jon Peede stood out in our presidential search. 他过去作为领导者和统一者的经验将有利于足彩外围,因为我们将更加关注品牌,并在高等教育的变化中导航,” said Jim Hess, chairman of the AU Board of Trustees. “乔恩是一位具有创新精神和战略思维的思想家,他将在现有的基础上再接再厉,带领我们走向更光明的明天. Jon aligns well with our AU values and Brethren identity. 他和我们一样热衷于塑造正直工作、服务和领导的毕业生. 乔恩将带领我们的大学社区在我们所做的每一件事上都热情地追求卓越. 我们的董事会欢迎Jon和Nancy加入我们的Ashland大学和Ashland神学院社区.”

Peede’s career has spanned six institutions, 他令人印象深刻的资历是华盛顿国家人文基金会主席的任期, D.C. He led the agency from July 2017 to January 2021. NEH主席的职位是由总统提名和参议院确认的——peede在提名后的七周内得到了一致确认, an example of the bipartisan support he received.

As NEH chairman, Peede had sole authority of awarding approximately 1,管理2.37亿美元的年度预算和170名全职员工. He awarded $500 million in support of liberal arts education, undergraduate and graduate curriculum innovation, museum and library programming, documentary films and multimedia works, cultural infrastructure projects and humanities scholarship.

“我很荣幸能够为亚什兰的学生、教职员工、校友、受托人和支持者服务. I admire the university’s steadfast commitment to its Christian heritage, liberal arts core, graduate programs and high teaching standards,” said Peede. “I look forward to building upon the momentum of Dr. Campo’s administration. 和, 我迫不及待地想和教职员工一起工作,他们付出了这么多的精力来指导学生,改变他们的生活. Nancy and I are overjoyed about joining the Ashland community.”

作为一名高级政府官员,他专注于文科公共政策, 皮德在几十所大学发表了关于当前高等教育方向的演讲. 他与领先的学术机构和私人基金会合作,创造创新的解决方案, 比如与蒂格尔基金会合作的“基石:为生活而学习”项目. Inspired by a Purdue University program, 基石重新构想通识教育课程,培养学生的沟通和创造性思维能力,拓宽他们对世界的视野.

Peede的任命是去年秋天开始的搜索的高潮 Carlos Campo’s decision to become the CEO of the Museum of the Bible after nine years leading AU. 皮德从60多名高素质的申请者中脱颖而出,因为“他在高等教育领域的多年服务”, 在他25年的职业生涯中,他的创造性领导能力和学术敏锐度以及他的筹款经验,” according to Steven Cole, an AU board member and co-chair of the search committee.

Paul McKnight, the other co-chair of the search committee, 他补充说:“Peede对AU的研究最多,并为未来提出了一系列想法.”

While having spent his life in the South and on the East Coast, Peede is not a stranger to Ashland University. 他曾担任非盟著名的创意写作硕士项目的客座教授, and he has spoken in 俄亥俄州 at numerous public events.

无论是在国会活动中与阿什布鲁克的保守派学者交谈,还是在校园里与进步小说家交谈, I found the same foundational beliefs, namely a firm commitment to intellectual rigor, freedom of expression and mutual respect,” Peede recalled.

Peede目前是密西西比河谷州立大学英语和外语系的一名教育顾问和教员, a historically Black college and university. Since 2022, he has been co-director of the American Civics Project, 为K-12教育工作者提供资源和专业发展机会.

Peede的职业生涯还包括在弗吉尼亚大学任职,在那里他是屡获殊荣的《足彩外围》的出版商,” a national journal of literature and discussion. At the National Endowment for the Arts, 他曾担任“返乡行动:书写战时经历”的主任,文学资助主任兼时任nea主席达纳·吉奥亚(Dana Gioia)的顾问. At Millsaps College, Peede was the director of communications, and at Mercer University Press he edited academic books. A scholar of southern literature, 他是文集《足彩外围》的联合编辑, Sacramental, and the Sacred in Her Fiction.”

Originally from Brandon, Miss., 皮德对教育和文学的热情使他进入了范德比尔特大学, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in English. 他还拥有密西西比大学(University of Mississippi)南方研究硕士学位,并将于2025年5月在默里州立大学(Murray State University)完成英语教育学博士学位. 值得注意的是,皮德是Phi Beta Kappa协会和美国门萨协会的成员.

Peede, 55, is married to Rev. Nancy Hollomon-Peede, 在她35年的事工生涯中,谁曾是不同教派和教会的属灵指导和牧师. She also served as a chaplain at Harvard University. They have a daughter, Somerset, 谁在澳大利亚悉尼音乐学院攻读中提琴演奏研究生学位.

>Ashland University is a mid-sized, private university conveniently located a short distance from Akron, Cleveland and Columbus, 俄亥俄州. Ashland University (www.亚什兰.edu)重视学生个体,并提供独特的教育体验,将强大的应用学术课程的挑战与与学生建立培养关系的教职员工结合起来.